Fear, The Emotion That Inhibits Peak Performance

Imagine yourself reaching an old age, seated by the fireplace, and taking a moment to look back at your life only to conclude, with little remorse, that you achieved what you set out to accomplish. What do you think it will feel having lived your life with little regrets? When successful people are asked, what prevents people from achieving their best, they point out to fear. Fear can become a paralyzing emotion, which is often …

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Changing Your Actions or Changing Your Thinking

change thinking new mindset

Leadership expert, Brian Moran is quoted saying: “When you focus on changing your actions, you experience incremental performance; when, however, your thinking shifts, everything changes.” It is a challenge to change negative habits. Although we promise ourselves to change and even create new year resolutions, most of those well intended hopes rarely reach a happy ending. Procrastination is the mother nature of unhealthy habits. We feel a sense of anxiety or frustration when facing the …

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Why Use Pre and During Performance Routines

Athletes understand that the pressure of the game eventually leads to having a harder time breathing as the heart pumps faster and the thoughts begin to race. Everything is happening extremely fast. As the pressures continue going up, the breathing becomes shallower and faster. This emotional and physiological response typically leads to feeling fear. It is quite common that we become judgmental and turned into our own worst enemy. This mindset exacerbates internal pressures. By …

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Keeping Your Motivation High

What keeps individuals so focused that they become determined to achieve their goals at any cost? There is no one simple answer, but we can take a look at a couple of types of motivations that promote goal achieving: Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic Motivation: individuals are moved by the personal significance and pleasure the action brings in himself. Accomplishing an action equals personal satisfaction and there is no greater importance than having that feeling. …

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Are you ready for when it matters?

We all want to continue improving and achieve higher goals. Whether it is at a corporate level or in athletics, individuals relish the opportunity to assume higher responsibilities or winning the golden trophy. As much as we look forward to those opportunities, are we ready for when the opportunity really comes? More often than not, opportunities to advance come at unexpected moments. The job calls for a professional to take an unexpected vacancy due to …

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