Rio 2016!!! Here we come, ready or not!!!

During the past few days, many countries have already visited the athletic installations and apartment complexes where the athletes will be staying. A great majority of the international inspecting staff has had a very disappointed experience. Just last week, the Australian team did what they called a “stress test,” which meant to open the water from the showers and sink at the same time. To their surprise, the plumbing failed the test. With only a …

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Are You Looking Backwards or Forward in Your Sports?

You may be confused as to what I am trying to ask, but basically athletes tend to pay too much attention to either what just happened or to what will happen next. In either situation, what they often fail to do is to stay focused on the task in front of them. Peak performance is achieved when we pay attention to the current process feeling optimism and trust in our abilities. As easy as this …

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Where Should You Focus As Athletes?

Athletes come to compete ready to do their best. They train hard after putting a lot of hours practicing and improving their skills. But, is this enough in order to do one’s best? Derek Jeter showed up to play not expecting to do his best, but with a prepared state of mind that would help him to achieve his best. One of his mental preparations was that of managing what he can control without worrying …

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A Sports Lesson about Tenacity and Focus

This past weekend, we witnessed an unprecedented come from behind win by the U.S Women’s golf team as they defeated the European side despite the huge odds against them. Needing to win 8 ½ points out of 12 being disputed, they faced the highly favorite European team with total focus and determination. In the early morning on the last day of play, Sunday, an unfortunate sportsmanship incident prevented the U.S. team from possibly earning a …

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False Confidence in Sports

Players practice for a long time hoping that their improved skills will be transferred onto the court or course. We see golf players spending hours on the driving range hitting ball after ball; or, basketball players practicing one free throw after another. With repetition, they notice an improvement on their shot skills. They leave the range or the court feeling over confident and looking forward to their chance to show their sharper skill. When they …

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