
In a recent talk to a basketball team, we addressed the issue of value. Value is understood as a core principle that one aspires and commits to live by. When the team identified what values each member was expected to live by, the entire basketball team reached a unified understanding that, what is really important is not so much focusing on the end result, but rather living by principles that promote cohesion, respect, and responsibility.

As all members of the team embraced the agreed values, one could sense the silent, but powerful understanding that not one player was more important than the other. Suddenly, any implicit negative belief that might have occurred between a senior and a freshman player ceased to exist. Both reached a point of awareness of needing one another. Respect toward each other will ultimately lead to playing better and giving the team a greater chance of performing to its best.

Values are important to talk about. Once identified, they create a cohesive team approach. We all know how challenging it is to have a team that pulls together. There are egos involved and, often, personal insecurities, that only create friction at the expense of the team success. It does not take much for those friction to start boiling. A little misunderstanding here and there and players quickly create judgment. As a consequence, players take opposite views of the minor incident, but by then, it is too late. The team is divided and such a division will undoubtable be displayed during the match.

The best time to discuss values is before the season starting. This is the great opportunity to create a dialogue amongst all the players seeking values that will distinguish them from other teams. What is even more important is that these values will also be displayed outside the court. Players realize that living by those values becomes a personal identification for what that individual wants to conduct his/her life.

To create a stronger team atmosphere, discuss the issue of values:

1- Gather all the team and coaches and, together, identify what values the individual and team want to be identified by;
2- For each chosen value, identify at least two behaviors that will demonstrate how that individual will live by those values.

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