Setting Sports Goals Backwards?

backwardsgoalsMany athletes come to see me asking how to properly set goals and I always tell them to set them backwards.

At first, I see a surprised look on their faces when I explain that long-term goals need to be set before establishing short-term goals. But, then they begin to understand that goals need to be broken down into mini-steps to help them achieve a long-term dream.

They need to know what they want to achieve a year from now, and then work backwards to the daily steps that will lead to realizing their long-term goals.

Start by seeing the goal you want to fulfill a year from now. Be as specific as possible. For example, do no just say, “I will run the marathon.” Instead, say something like “I will finish the marathon in 5 hours, 30 minutes.”

Then, start to work backwards. Set a target goal six months from today. Maybe it is running X number of minutes per day/week and entering a specific number of shorter races. Use these races to measure your progress.

To meet your six-month goal, you first need to set a target for the end of this month. Set a specific goal that will help you build your endurance. It could include specific days you will run, diet, and resting.

The last step is to set daily goals. Be very specific about what you want to achieve by the end of the day. Organize the day by making clear and precise goals you need to achieve. These daily goals are in line with the process that will lead you to gradually achieve your monthly goal.

Long-term goals are met when we stick to the consistent process of fulfilling each one of our intended daily goals. Try your best, reward your success and, if you were not able to achieve a goal, just accept it as such rather than getting angry with yourself. Just re-charge your batteries and pick up where you left off.

Work backwards to meet you goals.

1 – Set your year long goal and then break it to six-month goal, one-month goal and daily goal.

2 – Be specific, work hard to stay with daily routines and plans. Your daily progress will help you achieve your dreams.

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